Rebound Copper *RESTRICTED*
Rebound™ Copper is made with a unique process that maximizes plant availability. Application of Rebound™ Copper can be used to obtain a quick response when copper is needed in the plant. Foliar applications may be particularly beneficial during periods of peak nutrient demand for crops grown on soils having poor nutrient availability, or to crops suffering from a weakened root system.
Soil: Up to 1 gal/acre Broad acre crop foliar: 1 gal/acre, every 3-4 wks
Fruit and vegetable foliar: up to 1 gal/acre per week
Irrigation systems: up to 1 gal/acre every 10-14 days
Baystate Organic Certification Note: Use restriction - Soil deficiency must be documented by testing (includes copper). Must not to be used as a defoliant, herbicide, or desiccant
Use restriction - Soil deficiency must be documented by testing (includes copper). Must not to be used as a defoliant, herbicide, or desiccant