Benefits of Aquaculture for the North Shore
Sat, Nov 19
We invite you to explore the present and future of local regenerative ocean farming!

Time & Location
Nov 19, 2022, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Manchester-by-the-Sea, 40 Beach St, Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944, USA
About the event
Did you know that oceans currently absorb roughly 25% of CO2 emissions, and even more can be absorbed through aquaculture? By producing plants and animals for food and food production, including kelp and shellfish, through aquaculture, ocean farmers can alleviate food insecurity, boost economic growth, and help restore waterways, all while offsetting atmospheric carbon.
Join us at the Manchester Community Center in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA to learn more about aquaculture, ocean farming, and products of ocean farming from experienced industry professionals. We plan to explore both the question of “why is regenerative ocean farming relevant to North Shore communities?” and the question of “how is regenerative ocean farming done in practice?” To address these questions, we will hear from Dr. Christian Petitpas from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF), who oversees private and municipal marine aquaculture statewide; Dr. Michael Tlusty, professor of sustainability and food solutions at the University of Massachusetts, Boston School for the Environment; Ann Molloy from Neptune’s Harvest marketing and sales division, and Brenden Doyle, one of the only actively farming ocean farmers on the North Shore.
Throughout the day we will:
- Hear about the current status of the aquaculture industry and kelp farming
- Engage participants and audience members in an extended discussion on aquaculture and the role it plays in the North Shore and broader ecosystems
- Learn about the uses of ocean farming products, including kelp and fishing byproducts, and their availability for land farming and human consumption
- Learn about the process and specifics of developing new aquaculture systems on the North Shore from an ocean farmer who spent 3.5 years immersed in the process
Lunch is included with registration. Please note any specific dietary needs or food allergies when registering. Every effort possible will be made to accommodate requests.
Registration Fee: NOFA members:
$45, Non-members $60 registration— includes lunch—
Full Scholarships are available: Apply here
About the Instructors:
Christian M. Petitpas
Christian “Chrissy” Petitpas is a senior biologist in the Shellfish Sanitation and management Program at the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. Chrissy currently oversees private and municipal marine aquaculture in the state, which is dominated by oyster farming. Major aspects of her work involve coordinating with the MA Department of Public Health to maintain compliance with the National Shellfish Sanitation Program in the development and implementation of the MA Vibrio parahaemolyticus Control Plan to mitigate public health risks associated with the consumption of raw oysters. She is also integral in developing and implementing the state’s Biotoxin Management Plan. Chrissy earned her Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School for Marine Science & Technology (SMAST) and her doctoral research focused on marine harmful algae, specifically the dinoflagellate responsible for Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning.
Ann Molloy was born and raised in Gloucester, MA. After several years of traveling around the country and world, she settled back there and has been helping run her family business. For almost 25 years, Ann has overseen the marketing and sales for the Neptune’s Harvest division of Ocean Crest Seafoods, which came about to fully utilize 100% of the fish, by turning the gurry (everything that’s left after you filet a fish) into an organic fertilizer. She has a wide knowledge of organic fertilizers, and the fishing industry. She also loves to paint, write, and see live music.
Michael Tlusty
Michael is an associate professor of sustainability & food solutions in the School for the Environment at the University of Massachusetts at Boston where he links science, technology, and innovation to help transform the world's aquatic food systems and to educate the next generation of leaders necessary to develop integrative solutions to create enough food for our burgeoning population. His approach is to find solutions to create more food, waste less of it and to help the entire value chain do a better job creating the food we already produce. In his spare time, he uses the lessons learned in studying seafood value chains to create solutions to stop the trade of illegal wildlife products.
Brenden Doyle
Gloucester resident and U.S. Navy veteran Brenden Doyle spent 3.5 years working through the permitting and logistical process of operating his own oyster farm. He has been farming from Hog Island, with an overwintering area on a section of Plum Island Sound, since 2021. With the Great Marsh Shellfish Co., Brenden has been growing oysters and quahog seeds and is currently the only active ocean farm on the North Shore. They have been harvesting oysters since August 2022, and are producing an amazing new oyster.
About the Project:
This event is funded in part through a generous grant from the New England Biolabs Foundation. Funding from this project is being used to increase awareness of the environmental benefits through a series of educational events throughout the region.
The Manchester Community Center is accessible by train: it is located right in front of the Manchester stop on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Commuter rail line, which runs from Boston’s North Station to Rockport.
The meeting facility is handicap accessible with a handicap ramp on the side of the building and a handicap-accessible bathroom.
More Information:
An event recording will be available on the NOFA/Mass YouTube channel following the event.
Refund/Inclement Weather Policy:
For information on our refund and inclement weather policy, click here.
Capacity for this event is limited to 50 people. Please remember to abide by current MA state guidelines for group gatherings to minimize the transmission of COVID-19. Register ahead of time to secure your space!
Contact Christine Manuck (203-533-1425, or Ulum Pixan Ahtoh’il (508-603-9004,
10 minutesIntroduction and welcome
50 minutesPresentation & Discussion w/ Chrissy Petitpas
NOFA/Mass Member Ticket
Lunch is included
$45.00+$1.13 service feeSale endedNon-Member Ticket
Lunch is included
$60.00+$1.50 service feeSale ended