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About the NOFA Tri-State Bulk Order

The NOFA Bulk Order was one of the very first programs of NOFA, the parent organization of all of the NOFA State Chapters.  It began in 1971 with a bulk order of rock phosphate for organic growers.  Today, many state chapters run their own bulk orders, and NOFA/Mass organizes the Tri-State Bulk Order on behalf of CT NOFA, NOFA-RI, and NOFA/Mass.  


We work with a variety of suppliers to offer an array of agricultural supplies at low cost.  We lower costs by ordering directly from suppliers, who often provide NOFA/Mass with discounted prices, and by coordinating various pick up sites across Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.  The Bulk Order allows members to access hard-to-find items and save on shipping costs.  Customers can pick up their orders on set dates in March and April each year.  We are so thankful to our wonderful site coordinators for helping make this happen!


A Note for Certified Organic Farms:  products are still being reviewed by Baystate Organic Certifiers, and all current certification notes are based on last year's review. Please check back soon for our 2024 certification update. Baystate Organic Certifiers has reviewed and allowed all items with a few exceptions, which are clearly noted near the price.  Many items are Restricted and identified by asterisks (*) and other symbols; read section headers for details.  Approvals differ by state.  RI growers should check with their certifier.  


Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below.


 Need some help?  Have more questions?  Contact your Bulk Order Team at

Frequently Asked Questions


  • When and how can I place my order?

    • All orders must be placed before January 31st, 2024.  If able, please place your order here on this site. Read on for other ordering options if neded.  We must place final orders with our suppliers once ordering closes; late orders cannot be accepted.​

  • When and where do I pick up my order?​

    • You can pick up your order at one of our pick up sites across Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.  Find more information about our sites and pick up dates here.

  • Is there a minimum order I need to make?​

    • No, that's what's so great about the bulk order.  You can order as few or as many items as you like and still benefit from the low costs and coordinated pick up locations.​

  • Are there any discounts available?

    • All Bulk Order customers receive a volume discount, applied automatically in your cart: 2% over $500, 3% over $1000, 4% over $2500. Slings do not apply as they are already in a discounted quality and require drop shipping.

    • Members can apply an additional 10% discount, sent as a code with your membership confirmation email. Sign up for membership here, and please email if you paid for your membership prior to January 2, 2024.

  • What are my payment options?​

    • You can pay online or by check or money order.  Checks can be made out to NOFA/Massachusetts. Please write "Bulk Order" in the memo line, along with your name if not listed on the check. Checks must be mailed to PO Box 60043 Florence, MA 01062 and post-marked by January 31st. Please expect a 2 week processing time.  Otherwise you can download the PDF form and email your order, typed or handwritten and photographed, to  If you cannot use either system, please prepare your order and set up a phone meeting with David (413-561-0182).  If using the PDF,   Checks can be made out to NOFA/Massachusetts with 24 Bulk Order in the memo line, along with your name if not listed on the check, and mailed to PO Box 60043 Florence, MA 01062.  .  ​

  • Can I get a paper copy of the bulk order catalog?​

    • You can download the catalog here and the order form here, and print at home. If you need a printed copy and cannot print at home, please email or call. You can then email or text a scan or photo of the order form (or send for help with online ordering) to or 413-561-0182 by January 31.​ Please fill out your order form neatly, including item numbers, and don't forget to designate your pickup site. You can then mail your check to the address given, along with your original order form.

    • If needed we can take your order over the phone at 413-561-0182 - please schedule by email if possible.


  • What do I pay for shipping?​

    • A big advantage of the bulk order is that we're able to keep prices on great products fairly affordable through working directly with suppliers and coordinating drop off sites.  With the exception of compost slings, all shipping costs are reflected in the price of each item - there are no additional shipping fees.​

  • How does compost sling delivery work?

    • Slings are delivered directly to you via flatbed truck with piggyback forklift. There will be an additional delivery cost (typically $50-100) depending on timing and distance from Progressive Grower Supply in West Wareham, MA. The Bulk Order team will contact you after orders close (Jan 31st) to arrange delivery and payment details. If you decide not to continue with the order once you've received your quote, the sling will be refunded in full.

    • Volume discounts do not apply to slings as they are not part of the Bulk Order pickup.​

  • Why are some items taxed?​

    • Many Bulk Order items are not taxed, but items with -Tx at the end of their SKU numbers are taxable 

    • You can claim exempt status if your business is not-for profit (include copies of forms ST-5 and ST-2), or if you are a commercial farm (include a copy of Form ST-12, downloadable from for MA growers). Email forms to or get in touch if you need to get it to us another way. If paying by check, you can subtract the tax subtotal when making payment. Online purchases will be refunded during normal business hours when we have received your form.

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A project of NOFA/Mass.
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PO Box 60043 Florence, MA 01062

Phone: (413) 561-0852‬


©2024 NOFA/Mass

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